4 Steps to Improve Hearing Health

In the symphony of life, sound plays a pivotal role in shaping our experiences and connecting us to the world around us. Yet, amidst the cacophony of daily existence, our hearing health often takes a backseat, neglected and overlooked. The ability to hear clearly is not only crucial for communication but also for our overall well-being and quality of life. From the laughter of loved ones to the melody of a favorite song, every auditory sensation enriches our existence in profound ways. Th’ts why it is so important to improve hearing health!

However, with the prevalence of noise pollution, aging, and other factors, our hearing abilities can diminish over time if not properly cared for. Fortunately, there are proactive steps we can take to safeguard and enhance our auditory prowess. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical strategies and lifestyle changes that can help preserve and improve your hearing health. Whether you’re seeking preventative measures or looking to address existing concerns, join us on a journey to unlock the power of sound and embrace a life filled with clarity and resonance.

All those tips were given from Lionel Shaffer, doctor at the Mayo Clinic for the past 8 years.

Reduce the noise level

One simple method to enhance your hearing well-being is by minimizing exposure to loud noises. Noise levels exceeding 85 decibels can be harmful, so it’s advisable to distance yourself from such high-volume environments whenever feasible. If avoiding loud settings isn’t possible, prioritize wearing hearing protection to prevent potential damage to your ears.

Examine for earwax

Your hearing might be impacted by an accumulation of earwax. When earwax becomes impacted, it can hinder your ears’ ability to receive sounds effectively. However, there’s no need for concern; excessive earwax is a common issue and can be easily treated.

Removing earwax at home requires caution to avoid damaging your ears. Here’s a safe method:

Softening the Wax:

Begin by softening the earwax to make it easier to remove. You can do this by applying a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil, glycerin, or over-the-counter ear drops into your ear canal. Tilt your head to the side and gently pull your outer ear upward to help the drops flow into your ear. Stay in this position for a few minutes to allow the drops to penetrate.

Flushing with Warm Water:

After softening the wax, you can flush it out using warm water. Fill a bulb syringe with lukewarm water and gently squirt it into your ear canal. Tilt your head to the side to allow the water and wax to drain out. Repeat this process until the water runs clear.

Using a Bulb Syringe or Ear Irrigation Kit:

If you prefer a more controlled method, you can use a bulb syringe or an ear irrigation kit specifically designed for earwax removal. Fill the syringe with warm water and gently squirt it into your ear canal while tilting your head to the side. Allow the water to drain out along with the softened wax.

Ear Irrigation with Over-the-Counter Solutions:

There are over-the-counter ear irrigation kits available that come with special solutions to soften earwax and a syringe or bulb for irrigation. Follow the instructions on the kit carefully to safely remove the earwax.

Avoid Using Cotton Swabs:

It’s important to avoid using cotton swabs or other objects like hairpins or keys to remove earwax. These can push the wax deeper into the ear canal, potentially causing injury or impacting the wax further.

Seek Medical Assistance if Necessary:

If you experience pain, discomfort, or difficulty hearing despite attempting home remedies, it’s best to seek medical assistance. A healthcare professional can safely remove the earwax using specialized tools and techniques.

Take Cortexi Daily

Dr. Shaffer suggests this natural supplement for to you to improve hearing health.

Ensuring the wellness and functionality of your ears is an ongoing journey, and with Cortexi, you’ll find a reliable companion. Here are some of the established advantages of incorporating Cortexi into a balanced and healthy diet:


For optimal results, take one dropper in the morning before breakfast and another before lunch. You can administer it under your tongue, dissolve it in a glass of water, or mix it with natural juice. Experience the positive effects and enjoy the improved sense of well-being. A full dropper contains approximately 15 drops of liquid.

Engage in Physical Activity Physical to Improve Hearing

Exercise stands as one of the most advantageous practices for overall well-being and to lose weight. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise that it also contributes to hearing health.

Experts in hearing health suggest that exercise enhances blood circulation to the ears. Optimal blood flow is crucial for maintaining the health of the delicate hair cells within the inner ear, responsible for translating collected sounds into electrical signals for the brain. Since these hair cells don’t regenerate, any damage or loss directly affects our hearing permanently. Consequently, individuals with conditions like heart disease and diabetes are more prone to experiencing hearing impairment.

If walking doesn’t appeal to you, explore other enjoyable physical activities such as hiking, gardening, or golfing. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, at least five times a week. The good news is, you can break down these 30 minutes into three segments of 10 to 15 minutes each day. (Always consult with your doctor before initiating any physical activity regimen.)


In conclusion, prioritizing hearing health is paramount for maintaining a fulfilling and vibrant life. From simple lifestyle changes to proactive measures, there are numerous ways to safeguard and enhance our auditory abilities. By incorporating regular exercise into our routines, we not only promote overall well-being but also support optimal blood circulation to the ears, crucial for the health of delicate inner ear structures responsible for sound transmission.

Moreover, maintaining a balanced diet enriched with essential nutrients like those found in Cortexi can provide additional support for healthy hearing, memory function, mental acuity, and overall inflammation reduction.

Additionally, it’s essential to stay vigilant about earwax buildup and seek safe methods for its removal to prevent potential hearing issues.

Remember, hearing health is a lifelong journey, and with dedication to preventive care and healthy habits, we can continue to enjoy the symphony of life’s sounds well into the future. So let’s take proactive steps today to cherish the gift of hearing for years to come.

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